Aug – Sept 2019 Bulletin

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Nambour Community Centre
Aug - Sept Bulletin


Migrant Settlement

Sista 4 Sista

The sista4sista project has been a great success. The project is funded by the Department of Home Affairs Fostering Integration Grants Program.  The grants support new initiatives by not for profit organisations that will help migrants better integrate into Australia through employment and community participation.

The sista4sista team, were at the Sunshine Coast Women's Lifestyle Expo on 19th and 20th July at Maroochydore RSL.  At the expo over 130 photos were taken of women of different backgrounds, ages and cultures.  Many ladies wanted their photos taken to demonstrate that they are strong and that “We can do it.!“



Our next upcoming event is “The Art of Giving and Receiving Workshop” presented by Global speaker Lea Schodel from Mindful Wealth.

A free event, where you can explore your relationship with money through art, colour, conversation and creativity.
Event details:
When: 9.30am - 2.30pm, Thursday 15th August.
Where: Milwell Road Community Centre,   11A Milwell Road East, Maroochydore

We are inviting anyone to contact us if you would like to host a multicultural Sista event.

Look out for upcoming events on our Facebook page Sista4SistaSunshine Coast (Nambour Community Center) or email for information on or call Linda on 5441 4600.


Migrant Settlement

Migrant Settlement


Multicultural and Community Development

Domestic Violence Prevention Month

On the 21st of July, the very talented local musician Andrea Kirwin (Fijian Heritage)  hosted a morning tea at “The Shared Yandina” to raise awareness about DV and its impact on family and community life. 
The event was supported by Nambour Community Centre.  Women who are part of the Nambour Community Centre's Strong Women program recently decorated Seats of Resistance as a peaceful protest for DV prevention month.  These seats were taken to The Shared and community members discussed the creation of the seats and community responses to DV.


Multicultural and Community Development

Multicultural Family Lunch


Volunteer Program

Internet Savvy Seniors - Volunteer Position Available

Every Wednesday morning we hold space in the computer room to help our Seniors learn the basics of computers and the internet.  Some ask for help setting up Facebook or Instagram and some need help understanding emails, MyGov, travel bookings and searching the weather.  It’s a pretty relaxed setting and probably more chatting than learning, but that’s the fun of it. If you have a few hours to spare on a Wednesday morning and you have a passion for our older generation then we’d love to hear from you. 
Please contact Sharon on or call 54414724.
New Volunteers

Welcome to our new NCC volunteers –  Sharon, Christopher, Monica, Kheva, Julie, Chris, Richard and Muri. A big thank you to all of you! It’s great to have you here helping out.
Volunteer Profile - Jaime Te Raki

Jaime has been involved with the community centre for around 4 years and has been a big part of many events, functions and programs.  Originally from New Zealand, Jaime’s bubbly personality carries through to everything she does.  Jaime is one of the lead volunteers in the People’s Kitchen; a cooking crew that creates an incredible feast every Thursday on a ‘next to nothing’ budget.  She co-ordinates the menu plan with the team utilising all of the fresh produce and meat donated by Oz Harvest and Suncoast Foods.  Sometimes this can be tricky so the team have fun getting creative and discovering new recipes.  There is always room for new faces so if you want to get involved pop into the centre and check it out on a Thursday.  9am for cooking and 12noon for lunch.

Jaime says the best thing about volunteering is meeting new people and learning new skills. Through her connections at Nambour Community Centre, Jaime is so proud to have made some big changes in her life and create a better living environment for herself. This message of happiness beams across her face when she talks about it.

Jaime has also recently moved into a reception role at the centre and will be undertaking a course in Individual Support in the next few months.


Office for Rent






Community centres often sit at the heart of community need, and like many centres across Australia, Nambour Community Centre is increasingly seeing need around housing and homelessness.

What is also evident in our work on the ground with our community is that the stereotypical  ‘face’ of homelessness is definitely changing. At our centre we are engaging with increased numbers of mature aged women who are without housing, and increasing numbers of young men, many with disabilities. For mature women in our communities, homelessness is frequently linked to experiences of domestic and family violence; the ongoing gender pay gap; and most significantly a superannuation system that was not designed to be inclusive of the contribution that women often make to parenting and family life. These cultural and systemic conditions are leaving many mature aged women without the necessary resources to acquire safe and affordable housing. For many young men in our communities, mental health challenges and the associated disability often leads these young people into poverty. While housing and homelessness is not the core business of community centres, we are at the front line of community need. Centres like ours are not able to respond with crisis provision, but we are able to respond with human connection, inclusion, welcome.

Just as homelessness is everybody’s business, it does require a collective response. 

We are part of a community collective made up of not for profit orgs, community service orgs, local government representatives and community members who have developed a social messaging campaign for Homelessness Week - August 4th - 10th. If you are out and about across the Sunshine Coast.

If you want to learn more about the current state of homelessness in Australia check out the link for a range of fact sheets.
Carey Shaw – NCC Manager








Thriving Families Program

Reset Program

Do you ever feel stuck in your life? Do you repeat the same patterns and get stuck in the same cycles that keep you from being the person you want to be? Would you like to take action and create a life that is meaningful to you?
Reset is a 4 week course based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.  This is a mindfulness and values based method that helps you learn the skills that can make a difference in the way you connect with your thoughts and feelings.  Not only that it can connect you with your values, the things that will guide you towards being the person you want to be, living the way you want to live.
We all get stuck in the ups and downs of life, we all have big and challenging emotions, we all get stuck in the cycle of thoughts, we can however learn the skills that can help you navigate these.  Being human means we get to experience all that life throws at us, the way we choose to act can be guided by the skills we learn in Reset so we can start living a rich and meaningful life.  
Sometimes its about taking the fear, taking the anxiety, taking the challenges and doing what you need to live the life you want anyway.
Join the course, do something for yourself.  Create a new relationship with your thoughts and emotions.  The course is held continuously throughout the year in 4 week blocks.  Call Thriving Families on 5476 4933 or 0423 785 772 for more details.

Our Supporters

A big thank you to Palmwood Woombye Lyons Club, Solua Duo, Circus Connect, Cosy Crew, Nambour Tafe Music Students, Nambour Mens Shed, for your kind donations and support that made the Fire, Film & Fun Community Event held on 21st of June a huge success.


Regular activities and programs

After school hang out place, fun activities and a shared dinner.
When: Every Monday  Where: Nambour Community Centre  Time: 3.00pm - 5.00pm
Nature & sensory based community play for big & little people. 
When: Every Wednesday  Where: Nambour Community Centre  Time: 9.30-11.30am
If you’re pregnant or having a new bub, come meet up with other parents at The Nest.
When: Every Friday  Where: Nambour Community Centre  Time: 9.30-11.30am
After school catch up for families with fun activities, games and adventure based play.
When: Every Friday Where: Alternate parks (check for updates)  Time: 3.00pm - 6.00pm
Everyone is welcome to contribute in the kitchen or come along and join us for lunch.
When: Every Thursday  Where: Nambour Community Centre
Time: 9.00am for cooking and 12.00pm for lunch

Stuck within four walls? Come & join this group for some relaxed conversation, tea, coffee & friendship.
When: Every Wednesday  Where: Nambour Community Centre  Time: 10-12noon

Proven to support people to communicate for better relationships in family, community & workplaces.
When: 1st & 3rd Saturday of each month  Where: Nambour Community Centre  Time: 10 - 12noon
Weekly women's space offering social support, wellbeing, community connection and creativity. 
When: Every Thursday   Where: Usually Quota Park  Time: 9.30-11.30am

Personal, confidential counselling and information for adults and children. Bookings necessary.
When: Every Wednesday  Where: Nambour Community Centre  Time: 9.00am to 2.00pm
A friendly social group who share an interest in good company & keeping an eye on their weight.
When: Every Wednesday  Where: Nambour Community Centre   Time: 8.30-10am

Al-Anon provides support to anyone affected by a relative or friend’s drinking.
When: Every Saturday  Where: Nambour Community Centre  Time: 5-7pm
A friendly social group who share an interest in good company & keeping an eye on their weight.
When: Every Thursday  Where: Nambour Community Centre  Time: 5 pm start
Balance, strength, flexibility and relaxation. Please bring a cushion and yoga mat.
When: Every Tuesday  Where: Nambour Community Centre  Time: 6.30—8.00pm

A conversation group exploring deeper issues for community wellness.
When: Every Tuesday  Where: Nambour Community Centre  Time: 9.30am

Open to all adults of culturally diverse backgrounds to practice spoken English.
When: Every Friday (except school holidays) Where: Nambour Community Centre  Time: 9-11.30am

Providing legal advice & referral for general & family law matters. Bookings required.
When: Every second Thursday  Where: Nambour Community Centre  Time: 9am to 12noon

Do you need assistance developing a resume, completing forms, writing letters & NILS loans?
When: Every Friday by appointment  Where: Nambour Community Centre  Time: 9.30am to 2.30pm 

Would you like to learn how to use Google, use email and other basic computer applications?
When: Every Thursday by appointment  Where: Nambour Community Centre  Time: 9.30am to 2.30pm 
Learn how to do internet banking, create documents and keep in touch with family & friends.
When: Every Wednesday  Where: Nambour Community Centre  Time: 9.30am to 2.30pm 

Copyright © *2019 Nambour Community Centre Inc., All rights reserved.

PO Box 1042, Nambour Q 4560
2 Shearer Street, Nambour Q 4560

Phone number:
07 5441 4724

Opening hours:
9.00am to 3.00pm
After hours by appointment

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