June – July 2017 Bulletin

Nambour Community Centre eBulletin
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Nambour Community Centre

Bi Monthly eBulletin 

June & July Update


Dads, top up your toolkits at a free info night

Any dads wanting to expand their skills and learn more about their kids will love the Essential Toolkit for Dads information night.
Hosted by Thriving Families and Matt Dilges, the free parent information session for dads is a great chance for dads to update their toolkit with effective parenting strategies and easy ways to understand their kids.
The child-friendly event will focus on the primary years for children aged between 5-12-years and all dads are welcome to attend. You can  RSVP through phone, text or Facebook message. Text or call 0411 576 564, phone 5476 4933 or follow us on Facebook, just search Thriving families.
Event Details
What: Essential Toolkit for Dads
When: Tuesday 25 July, 4-6pm
Where: Nambour Community Centre, 2 Shearer Street, Nambour
Families and Children
Come along & Heartfully, Playfully & Artfully have fun with your kids.
When: Every Friday
Time: 9:30am - 11:30am
Where: Playground & Children's room

Let the kids go feral in the park. Balls and a sausage sizzle provided.
When: Every second Friday of the month
Time: 4pm - 6pm
Where: Quota Park

Little people bring your big people for a family cook up and feed.
Fun—Free—all welcome
When: Last Friday of the Month
Time: 3.30pm - 5.30pm
This is a weekly collective playgroup for young parents aged between teen and 23 years. Spending time with our kids and each other. Tea, coffee & hot chocolate provided.
When: Every Monday
Time: 9.30am-11.30am

Little people bring your big people for nature play, art and food in the park
When: Every 3rd Friday of the month
Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Where: Federation Park, 19 Primrose Crt

Contact Thriving Families for more information and to book events listed above
Multicultural Activities
Cultural Connections is a community development program for people from diverse cultural backgrounds.  The program can support migrants to meet people, improve skills, get connected in the local community & celebrate our diversity.  

Maroochydore Multicultural Group Conversations and Get Together
Meet new people, make new friends and share your culture.
When: Every Wednesday
Time: 10-12noon
Where: Cotton Tree Park near playground

When: First Wednesday of each Month
Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Where: Carers QLD, Maroochydore 

Practice your spoken English, meet new people & have fun
When: Every Friday (except school holidays)
Time: 9:00am -11:30am
Cost: Free
Contact: Linda on 5441 4660
Share a delicious meal with people from the local neighbourhood, catch up with old friends & maybe make some new ones. Everyone welcome.

Friday 2 June - Asian theme
Friday 7 July - South American theme
Time: 5.30–7.30pm
Contact: nccdinner@nambourcc.org

Friday 23rd June: Bring a Plate
Time: 12-2pm
Contact: nccdinner@nambourcc.org

This program offers free help to migrants who are settling on the Sunshine Coast. We run varied workshops and provide information on employment, education, learning English, Centrelink, housing, health, legal and referrals to other services. We connect individuals with people and
community groups.
Cost: Free
Contact: Linda on 5441 4660 or
Email: suncoastsettle@gmail.com
Interpreters available 

Contact Shine Jang for more information or to RSVP for the programs & events listed above.
5441 4724 or email mcw@nambourcc.org


Health & Wellbeing

Come and experience a powerful and holistic way to enhance your health and wellbeing. Falun Gong is an ancient Chinese exercise and meditation practice suitable for all ages.
When: Every Monday
Time: 10:30am—12 noon
Contact: Lee on 0421 886 009

Building Connections
The Building Connections group is about sharing experiences and gaining new perspectives.
When: 3rd Tuesday of month
Time: 10.30-12.30pm
Contact: Shine on 5441 4724 or PEARL Program on 5443 1558
A friendly social group who share an interest in good company & keeping an eye on their weight.
When: Every Wednesday
Time: 8:30-10am
Cost: enquire
Contact: Colleen 5441 2621

Emotions Anonymous

12-step program to help people cope with stress.
When: Every Thursday
Time: 7.30-8.30pm
Cost: Free
Contact: Michael 0499 973 992

A friendly social group who share an interest in good company & keeping an eye on their weight.
When: Every Thursday
Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Cost: enquire
Contact: Frances on 5441 3458

Balance, Strength, Flexibility and Relaxing. Liz is a radiant light yoga teacher with 12yrs experience. Please bring cushion & yoga mat.
When: Every Tuesday
Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Cost: $15 ($12 concession)
Contact: Liz on 0402 636 600


Al-Anon provides support to anyone affected by a  relative or friend’s drinking. Members give & receive comfort & understanding through a mutual exchange of experiences, strength & hope.
When: Every Saturday
Time: 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Cost: enquire
Contact: 5476 2687

Learn mindful parenting at one-off workshop

Thriving Families will host a one-off workshop with information and activities about mindfulness. 

Come along to explore the role of mindfulness in parenting and how to help children practice mindfulness at a special event to be held at the Nambour Community Centre on Saturday 15 July from 9-1pm with special guest Venerable Drolkar.
Ordained in 2011, Venerable Drolkar has a degree in Applied Ethics, is a graduate of Discovering Buddhism, a current student of FPMT’s advanced study program and a Buddhist Chaplain.
Venerable Drolkar is a grandmother of two and loves to laugh. Students value the warmth, humour and ease that Venerable Drolkar brings to her presentations. This is a free event. To RSVP, please phone Carey Shaw at Thriving Families on 5476 4933.

Love Board Games?

Make new friends, play some games
Anyone who loves to play board games can come along to the Nambour Community Centre on Wednesdays from 1-3pm to play a range of games and enjoy a cuppa with new friends.
Everyone is welcome to come along to this informal group to play the games on-hand or bring a game to share.
The board game group meet every Wednesday from 1-3pm, but anyone is welcome to play board games at anytime the centre is open (Monday to Friday 9-3pm) just ask at reception for a board game.
When: Wednesdays
Time: 1-3pm
Where: NCC



Let’s Fire Up!

Save the date for the NCC Open Day

Here’s your chance to learn all about what Nambour Community Centre has to offer.
The Nambour Community Centre Open day Mini-Fest will be held on Friday 18 August from 4-7pm. Plans are still underway for the family-friendly event but we can tell you there will be a big bonfire, games, food, music, stalls and lots of activities for the whole family to enjoy.
Save the date:
Friday 18 August, from 4-7pm

More information will be available through Facebook and the August/September Bulletin.
Social, Interest & Personal Development
Stuck within four walls? Come & join this group for some relaxed conversation, tea, coffee & friendship.
When: Every Wednesday
Time: 10:00am-12:00pm
Cost: Gold coin donation for morning tea

Also known as Compassionate Communication is a non judgemental communication style that has been proven to support people to communicate for better
relationships in family, community & workplaces.
When: 1st Saturday of each month
Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm


Created by Dominic Barter in the Favelas in Brazil in the 1990’s, with foundations in Non-Violent
Communication. The Restorative Circle provides an
inclusive approach to dealing with conflict in which everybody can be heard and relationships restored.
1st Saturday of the month, 1.30-4.30pm
Nambour Community Centre
Contact: Shine 5441-4724 or mcw@nambourcc.org

Come along to our weekly women's arts and crafts group held in Nambour’s Quota Park.
Share or learn new craft tips while meeting new people.
When: Every Thursday
Time: 9:30—11:30am
Contact: Thriving Families


A group for young women (Highschool aged) to get creative stuff done.
When: Mondays
Time: 4:00pm-7:00pm
Cost: Free and a feed is provided
Contact: Thriving Families

When: February 15th, March 1st,
March 15th & March 29th 
Time: 5:30pm
Contact: Shine Jang on  5441 4724 or mcw@nambourcc.org

A Place at the Table

The next community dinner will be held on Friday 2 June at the Nambour Community Centre from 5.30pm. The monthly dinner has a theme and this month’s dinner will be Asian cuisine.
July’s dinner will be held on Friday 7 July at 5.30pm and will be a South American theme.
There will also be a community lunch Friday 23 June from 12-2pm and everyone is invited. Bring a plate and make some new friends.
All dinners are held at the Nambour Community Centre and start from 5.30pm.
Everyone is welcome. For more information, contact Severine on  nccdinner@nambourcc.org

Emotions Anonymous

Emotions Anonymous is a 12-step program based on the recovery program of Alcohol Anonymous. 

The support group is for anyone experiencing emotional difficulties  who wants to gain knowledge and support from others who have had, or are currently experiencing similar issues.
The support program is based on ‘spirituality’, not religion, with all group members considered as equals taking turns in the role of ‘trusted servant’ to manage the logistics of the meeting.
The support group will meet weekly at the Nambour Community Centre on Wednesdays from 7.30-8.30pm.
For more info contact Michael on 0499 973 992
Personal Services
Providing legal advice & referral for general
& family law matters. Bookings required.
When: Contact for dates and availability
Cost: Donation
Contact: SCLS on 5443 7827

SCOPE—Domestic & Family violence service
Personal confidential counseling & information for adults & children.
Bookings necessary
When: Every Wednesday 9am-3:00pm
Contact: Centacare / SCOPE 5430 9300

The Nambour Community Centre has 3 volunteer tutors who provide one on one assistance for those who would like to learn how to use a computer. The tutors can assist anyone from beginners to those who would like to build on their existing skills.
When: Wednesdays 9-1pm and Thursdays 9-3pm
Contact: 5441 4724  Bookings are necessary
Cost: Free

The Nambour Community Centre has 4 computers available for community member access. The computer use is free of charge and can be booked for a maximum of 2 hours.

*Please note that the computer access program is designed to provide community members with access to a computer and is not inclusive of personal assistance. Please see the computer assistance option for further assistance.

When: 9am - 2.30pm Mon-Fri
Printing Costs: Up to 10 pages free, then a charge of 10cents per additional sheet.

Avoid disappointment, call to book a computer

Visit the Centre

Free tea and coffee is always available in the community kitchen. Call in for a cuppa while browsing our program and events calendar

Connect with us

Nambour Community Centre Reception
P: 07 5441 4724  E: reception@nambourcc.org

Information & Referral        
Room Rentals 
Resource Library                   Volunteer Program

Community Development Program
Mark  coordinator@nambourcc.org  
Shine  mcw@nambourcc.org
07 5441 4724
KEIHS Nambour
Supports families & individuals who are at risk of homelessness to maintain their tenancies through early intervention support eg assisted referral & advocacy to appropriate services, or through intensive case management support.
P: 07 5441 6522

Stay Up-to-Date 

F O L L O W on F A C E B O O K
V I S I T our W E B S I T E
G E T in T O U C H
Thriving Families - Family Support Program
P: 07 5476 4933  M: 0411 576 564 | 0421 880 494
E: thrivingfamilies@nambourcc.org  

Cultural Connections - Multicultural Community Development
Shine on 5441 4724 or mcw@nambourcc.org 

Migrant Settlement Program
Contact Linda on 5441 4660 or suncoastsettle@gmail.com
Lifestyle Solutions
Our New Beginnings Program provides educational activities for people with a disability to develop the skills required to support individuals to confidently transition into independent living.
P: 07 5476 4295
NCC is a community based not for profit organisation whose activities  are partly resourced by contributions from Queensland Department of Communities, Commonwealth Department of Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs, Sunshine Coast Council & Department of Immigration & Citizenship.
Copyright © 2017 Nambour Community Centre, All rights reserved.

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