Oct – Nov 2018 Bulletin

Nambour Community Centre eBulletin
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Nambour Community Centre

Bringing the U back into commUnity at the AGM

Nambour Community Centre wish to invite community members to come along to our Annual General Meeting.
‘U’ can find out more about NCC so come along, join in with  Us & enjoy a scrumptious Multicultural meal and mingle with new & existing members.
WHEN:     Monday 29/10/18
TIME:       5pm, Dinner & Formalities at 5.30pm, close 7pm
WHERE:   Nambour Community Centre
                    2 Shearer Street, Nambour Qld 4560
RSVP:        Monday 22/10/18
GUEST SPEAKER: Liam Mayo Senior Manager Community Planning & Development- Sunshine Coast Council
Story & Photo by Fiona Croft

Families and Children
Supporting parents to grow with their children
Seasonal outdoor Playgroup. Check the flyer on page 3.
Mondays 10am-12pm LIONS PARK YANDINA

A weekly after school catch up with your little people. An adventure based chill out  space with a free feed & music.
MULLER PARK—BLI BLI         7 & 28  of SEPT & 19 Oct
KOLORA PARK—PALMWOODS  14 Sept & 5 and 26 Oct
21 Sept, 12 Oct & 2 Nov
If you’re pregnant or having a new bub, come meet up with other parents at The Nest - a supported and hosted space for you to gather, connect and build your village.
When: Every Friday
Time: 9.30-11.30am

Thriving Families HQ. Nature & sensory based community play for big & little people. An awesome space for families to connect, be creative, and be part of the Thriving Families community Hub that supports
Families & community wellbeing.
When: Every Wednesday
Time: 9.30-11.30am

 Contact Thriving Families for more information. Text or call 0411 576 564, phone 5476 4933 or follow us on Facebook, just search Thriving families or visit www.thrivingfamilies4560.org
Multicultural Activities
Cultural Connections is a community development program for people from diverse cultural backgrounds.  The program can support migrants to meet people, improve skills, get connected in the local community & celebrate our diversity.  
Meet new people, make new friends and share your culture and stories. Everyone is welcome and morning tea is provided.
For more information please contact Shine on 5441-4724

When: 1st Wednesday of each Month
Time: 1.30-3.30pm
Where: Carers QLD, Maroochydore 

Contact Shine Jang for more information or to RSVP for the programs and events listed above.
5441 4724 or email mcw@nambourcc.org
Share a delicious meal with people from the local neighbourhood, catch up with old friends & maybe make some new ones. Everyone welcome.
When: First Friday of the Month
Where: Nambour Community Centre
Time: 5.30–7.30pm
Contact: nccdinner@nambourcc.org

Practice your spoken English, meet new people & have fun
When: Every Friday (except school holidays)
Time: 9-11.30am    Cost: Free
Contact: Linda on 5441 4660

This program offers free help to migrants who are settling on the Sunshine Coast. We run varied workshops and provide information on employment, education, learning English, Centrelink, housing, health, legal and referrals to other services. We connect individuals with people and community groups.
Cost: Free
Contact: Linda on 5441 4660 or
Email: suncoastsettle@gmail.com
Interpreters available  

Health & Wellbeing
The ‘Building Connections’ group is about sharing experiences and gaining new perspectives.
When: 3rd Tuesday of Month  Time: 10:30- 12:30pm
Contact: Shine at the Nambour Community Centre (5441 4724) or the PEARL Program (5443 1558)

A friendly social group who share an interest in good company & keeping an eye on their weight.
When: Every Wednesday
Time: 8.30-10am
Cost: enquire Contact: Colleen 5441 2621

Al-Anon provides support to anyone affected by a  relative or friend’s drinking. Members give & receive comfort & understanding through a mutual exchange of experiences, strength & hope.
When: Every Saturday
Time: 5-7pm
Cost: enquire Contact: 5476 2687 

A friendly social group who share an interest in good company & keeping an eye on their weight.
When: Every Thursday
Time: 6-7pm
Cost: enquire
Contact: Frances on 5441 3458

Balance, Strength, Flexibility and Relaxing. Liz is a radiant light yoga teacher with 12yrs experience. Please bring a cushion & yoga mat.
When: Every Tuesday
Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Cost: $15 ($12 concession)
Contact: Liz on 0402 636 600

This group explores local approaches to suicide prevention in Nambour.
When: Every 2nd Tuesday
Time: 9.30am
Contact: Ana 5441 4724 or community.development@nambourcc.org

Social, Interest & Personal Development
Stuck within four walls? Come & join this group for some relaxed conversation, tea, coffee & friendship.
When: Every Wednesday
Time: 10-12noon
Cost: Gold coin donation for morning tea

Also known as Compassionate Communication is a non judgemental communication style that has been proven to support people to communicate for better
relationships in family, community & workplaces.
When: 1st Saturday of each month (with Debs)
3rd Saturday of each month (with Glenda)
Time: 10- 12noon
Contact: Shine 5441-4724 or mcw@nambourcc.org

Created by Dominic Barter in the Favelas in Brazil in the 1990’s, with foundations in Non-Violent
Communication. The Restorative Circle provides an
inclusive approach to dealing with conflict in which everybody can be heard and relationships restored.
When: 1st Saturday of the month, 1-4pm
Nambour Community Centre
Contact: Shine 5441-4724 or mcw@nambourcc.org 

Come along to our weekly women's arts and crafts group. Share or learn new craft tips while meeting new people.
When: Every Thursday
Time: 9.30-11.30am
Contact: Thriving Families, 0411 576 564 or FB

4wk WORKSHOP based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Mindfulness & Values based, women will learn skills that will support them to move towards living a life full of meaning. COURSE STARTS: November 1st.  Registration essential. Call to find out more & book a space. Check out the flyer on page 9. PH: 5476 4933 MOB:  0411 576 654 or 0421 880 494


Theresa Seiuli
Frontline and Administration Manager - Girl Tuesday 'T'
Story and Photo by Fiona Croft

Theresa Seiuli started volunteering at the Nambour Community Centre eleven years ago and finished in August 2018 as the Administration Manager.
Originally from New Zealand, 'T' as she is fondly known, relocated with her husband and her beautiful children from Caboolture and volunteered for the NCC for a year from 2006.
"In Caboolture my church had a pastoral care program working with children on the streets which gave children skills to help them enjoy school more and a women's group," Theresa said.
Theresa wanted to continue helping out and working alongside people in her new community.
"It's been my life purpose to make life a better place," she said.
"At my meeting with the Administration Manager Donna Holdom at the NCC, she could see I was
confident with people, so she challenged me to learn more about technology and administration skills and put me in an admin role with Frontline for a year in 2007. She then encouraged me to do a Diploma of Community Welfare Services at TAFE, and then I completed my degree."

Theresa became an employee with the Centre and has enjoyed the mentoring and training she was given and has in-turn continued this process assisting volunteers and staff members to challenge their limitations and learn new skills.
"You don't need a degree to be heard," Theresa emphasized.
Theresa said the Centre values connection, staff and volunteers, who listen and advocate on individuals behalf assisting them to connect with support services.
"You have to be open and accepting of people from all different faiths and positions in life. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you is my belief,"
"Don't forget people — that's what the Nambour Community Centre is about —
the elderly, the young, the humble, the vulnerable it embraces all walks of life.
"I now have transferable skills, my qualifications have grown tremendously and I thank the Centre for that. It's a celebration of life here and it's sad for me to leave as I have made good friends, but life is about challenges and new adventures."

David Probert - Computer Training /Frontline Administration
*Rotarian Award Winner 2018*
Story and photo by Fiona Croft


After seven years at the Nambour Community Centre, Woombye resident David Probert is now enjoying time-out for family, researching and coding with his gaming friends he met from his trips to America before pursuing further administration work.
David started volunteering at the Nambour Community Centre, May 2011 as a computer assistant that led to being employed under the Frontline Program. Gaining patience and meeting the challenges of assisting IT & Administration with NCC community members.

"Gaining the experience I learnt from Donna Holdom, a previous NCC Office Manager, I also assisted community members with their computer IT questions. My first client was one of our local community members: Brian, and after seven years he still visits two days a week to access the computers for his own personal needs. The Nambour Community Centre has given me self-confidence. I was very soft spoken and by being in-charge at times has been an asset for future endeavors,'
"I've made lots of friends here, both staff and members of the public, they've helped me grow as a person, face vulnerability and managing peoples needs."
"I became proficient in learning computers from primary school to keep up with writing, due to disability," said David. My curiosity grew and when I got into high school I enjoyed the IT classes, Website design, Studied Cert III in IT & my Diploma at TAFE in Interactive Digital Media. “This is where I learnt the bulk of my skills," he said.
David is the 22nd Rotary 'Brian Robinson' Memorial Award Winner for recognition of young employees who have overcome difficulties faced in their life. His previous employer, the  Nambour Community Centre is proud to hold the perpetual trophy for 12 months, for the training and employment of young people.


David has a simple and practical approach to teaching people.
"You don't need to teach them everything,
you just need to teach them what they need and want to learn."



Madison Campbell – Sharing Style
Position: Frontline/Cleaning
Story and Photo by Fiona Croft

It was only recently Madison was discovering more about the town of Nambour and the Community Centre, which meant she could re discover a new neighbourhood of friends.

“After my two years here I know more people and have found a real sense of community that I haven’t found anywhere else on the Sunshine  Coast.
"It’s been wonderful over the last two years to hear people’s stories and find out more about them,” Madison said.

Madison wanted to become involved and  volunteered in 2016 while doing her Community Development Diploma. She was then employed with the Frontline team and as a cleaner.

Madison discovered that she really is a people person and loves to hear people’s stories and what motivates them.

“I’ve gained confidence in my skills which means I’m now more knowledgeable in many modalities” she said.

Madison’s positive view of the world always contains hope.  She believes that life is a journey of adventure where good things can happen to us.

She’ll soon be off to volunteer again in Africa to the different communities. When Madison started travelling years ago she found another place to feel deep connection too.

“I travelled through eight different countries and when I arrived in Africa and it felt like I had arrived home. It’s where I really learnt about sharing cultural knowledge.”

Madison found this to be valuable when meeting people from around the world who came into the NCC. While travelling Madison says she likes a bit of sightseeing but her real passion is meeting new people.

“I just like being amongst the everyday processes, learning by being alongside people, shopping for ingredients, then helping with the cooking and whatever needs to be done plus sharing meals with all ages in our Community.”



A Very Warm Welcome to our New Administration Manager
Bonnie Dean – Bringing it all together
Administration Manager
Story and Photo by Fiona Croft

Bonnie Dean, the Nambour Community Centre’s new Administration Manager started her new role on the 13th of August 2018. Originally from Mackay, Bonnie and her partner and two girls have been locals since 2009.

Like staff members before her, Bonnie became involved with the Centre during a student placement with one of the Centre’s programs: Thriving Families, and is currently completing a Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention.  Bonnie’s placement included work with the Strong Women’s group and the Nambour Caravan Park pop up kitchen.

“I feel it’s good to be working in a not-for-profit organization bringing in my business acumen,” Bonnie said.

Bonnie’s qualifications include a Bachelor of Business and most recently was the Business Development Manager with RE/MAX Real Estate for three years.

“After something extremely traumatic, you really re-evaluate your purpose in life,” she said.

“So with a business development career I was not looking for a job in community services, but I decided to retrain myself to work closer with people rather than property.”

Bonnie is passionate about a variety of issues in the region and along with others who either experience or know of people experiencing gaps in the system, she would like more solutions, particularly for the homeless in the area.

“I’m excited about the expansion of the Centre – growth for our services and there is a changing dynamic of people and skills. My role includes coordinating the volunteers who are the heart and soul of the Centre and integral to our operation.”

Bonnie said if anyone wishes to contribute or volunteer at the Centre just drop in or call the office to get the ball rolling.



Personal Services
Providing legal advice & referral for general
& family law matters. Bookings required.
When: Contact for dates and availability
Cost: Donation
Contact: SCLS on 5443 7827
SCOPE—Domestic & Family violence service
Personal confidential counselling & information for adults & children. Bookings necessary
When: Every Wednesday 9am-3:00pm
Contact: Centacare / SCOPE 5430 9300

Services available every Thursday. 2.30-3.00pm. No appointment needed. Please see reception.
1HR  APPOINTMENTS available Thurs from 9.30 am—1.30pm. See reception or call 5441 4724.
Money Talk—Feeling stressed about money?
For support with: Budgeting and managing money, realistic payment plans for debt, support to discuss your situation with creditors.
Make an appointment with our volunteer for confidential, one on one info sessions.
Call the centre on 5441 4724 to make an appointment or drop into the centre
Do you need assistance developing a
resume, completing forms / applications
or writing letters? Bookings required.
When: Every Tuesday,  9:30am - 2:30pm
Cost: Free

*Please note that the Personal Document Supporter is unable to assist with legal issues.

Visit the Centre

Free tea and coffee is always available in the community kitchen. Call in for a cuppa while browsing our program and events calendar, and library of resources.

Connect with us

Nambour Community Centre Reception
P: 07 5441 4724  E: reception@nambourcc.org

Information & Referral        
Room Rentals 
Computer Support

Community Development Program
Ana: community.development@nambourcc.org
P: 07 5441 4724
KEIHS Nambour
Supports families & individuals who are at risk of homelessness to maintain their tenancies through early intervention support eg assisted referral & advocacy to appropriate services, or through intensive case management support.
P: 07 5441 6522

Stay Up-to-Date 

F O L L O W on F A C E B O O K
V I S I T our W E B S I T E
G E T in T O U C H
Thriving Families - Family Support Program
P: 07 5476 4933  M: 0411 576 564 | 0421 880 494
E: thrivingfamilies@nambourcc.org  

Cultural Connections - Multicultural Community Development
Shine on 5441 4724 or mcw@nambourcc.org 

Migrant Settlement Program
Contact Linda on 5441 4660 or suncoastsettle@gmail.com
Lifestyle Solutions
Our New Beginnings Program provides educational activities for people with a disability to develop the skills required to support individuals to confidently transition into independent living.
P: 07 5476 4295
NCC is a community based not for profit organisation whose activities  are partly resourced by contributions from Queensland Department of Communities, Commonwealth Department of Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs, Sunshine Coast Council & Department of Immigration & Citizenship.
Copyright © 2016 Nambour Community Centre, All rights reserved.

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