At the beginning of 1979, Gail opened her home to help women and children in need.

Gail named her home Kiah which is a name meaning similar things in many languages:

Houses, meeting place, home and living energy.

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In 1980 Gail Perry brought her vision and dream of a place where people could come together to bridge the gap between, New Age, Spiritualism and Regular Mainstream Society, to the place of her vision.  To a more central place where all people could have access to the dream.

The first Meeting Place opened its doors at 23 Howard Street Nambour.

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In 1988 The Meeting Place gained funding from the QLD Department of Family Services, coming under the umbrella of the Neighbourhood Centres Program and relocated to a Family Services owned house at 35 Coronation Avenue, Nambour.

The new premises boasted bigger, more spacious, lighter rooms (two bathrooms and four toilets).

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