The Nambour Community Centre is run by the community.  Do you want to be a part of our committee that helps to run our centre? Become a member and receive these great benefits:

  • FREE Wi-Fi
  • Information about events & activities
  • Voting rights
  • Early enrolment for workshops & courses
  • Receive our monthly Newsletter
  • Have the opportunity to support your local community

Annual Fee

Individual - $5.00
Organisation/Family - $10.00
Concession - $2.00

Payment Options

  • Cheque:  Cheques can be made payable to Nambour Community Centre Inc.  Please return completed form with cheque and post to: Nambour Community Centre Inc 2 Shearer Street, Nambour QLD 4560. Or drop into the Centre during office hours 9.00am to 3.00pm.
  • Direct Deposit: Direct deposit into Bank of Queensland, Bank Account: Nambour Community Centre Inc.
    BSB: 124090 Account Number: 20983682. Please ensure that you enter your name and ‘membership’ into the reference field.  Please also email to let us know that you have paid.
  • Cash: Pay directly to our Coordinator or member of the management committee. Manual receipt provided.

Become a Member Today

Simply complete the online form and refer to the Payment Options available above.