Thriving Families is a community-based family support service; that creates opportunity for families to build connections, develop capacity and hold themselves within their community so that they can positively navigate their way out of entrenched cycles of limiting beliefs and judgements and into inspiration and hope. Thriving Families establishes partnerships that are based on relationships of trust, mutuality and co-operation through supported community groups, individual and family support (home, centre or group based), and parent education.
Thriving families is a voluntary service that positions families as the drivers of their own journey.
What we do at Thriving Families family support
- Individualised Family Support – meeting families where they are at.
- Community playgroups - ages up to primary school, including homeschooled children.
- The Nest - 0 to 12months bubs and pregnant mums.
- Circle of Security
- Reset
- Adventure Fridays - All aged children and family fun afternoon.
- Peer-to-peer opportunities.
Who are the workers at Thriving Families family support?
Thriving Families workers are passionate social workers who are committed to social change. We are attempting to work with families within community, in a way that meets the needs and broader challenges inherent in the social context in which we all live. We know it's sometimes tough, and we recognise that change and families look different for everyone, and so we endeavour to work alongside families in a way that privileges the lived experience and voice of families, as experts in their own lives and futures.
Thriving Families can be found at the Nambour Community Centre, contact us for further information on our free and fun groups/programs/services for you or the families you work alongside or visit our Facebook page.
Nambour Community Centre
2 Shearer Street
Nambour 4560
Ph: (07) 5476 4933
Mob: 0411 576 564 or 0421 880 494 or 0434 597 595
Facebook @ThrivingFamilies